Belgrade: Another Gaze

an initiative for social inclusion, exchange of knowledge and new narrative itineraries

I initiated Belgrade: Another Gaze in 2009, as a series of videos documenting walks and dialogues of persons with various forms of disability with artists and art curators. It soon developed as a project dedicated to the interpretation of the city through perspective of marginalized groups, carried out through training and public promotion of a new category in tourism and social integration called the alternative guide. Beside historical facts, an alternative guide (a disabled person, or a member of minority group) offers a personal interpretation of the city and of the place he/she chooses to present. The project is intended as an initiative for public critique of the present moment and the overall understanding of problems of inaccessibility of public space and insufficient integration of many social categories. Public tours with alternative guides have been accomplished during the Fall 2009 and 2010 for a variety of audiences: employees in multinational companies, students, sport teams, artists... Most locations chosen for tours of the alternative guides are not part of the official tourist map of the city, and were chosen for their significance in understanding the process of transformation of the city in the past two decades.

The project included the realization of two exhibitions and a TV production of 18 short video pieces transmitted daily for several months by the B92 info TV channel.

Belgrade: Another Gaze has been realized in collaboration with Belgrade’s Museum of Contemporary Art and Etnographic Museum.

Tours and events with alternative guides

Belgrade: Another Gaze / Mapping the City

December 2008

Belgrade: Another Gaze

a series of 18 video pieces made for the TV B92 Info Channel


Belgrade: Another Gaze

scheme of the project, 2009

Pazienza - Public Works

summer view, begonia flowers 1000x150cm / Kalekegdan fortress, Belgrade, 2010

Belgrade: Another Gaze

12 minute version